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Friday, July 1, 2016

Final Stage Podcast - Episode 15

Graphic for Episode 15
Thanks to William as always for adding synopsis graphic of the episode content each month on the Final Stage Podcast!  All of our previous podcasts are officially up on iTunes and on the hosting site of Podbean in addition to William's YouTube channel (with handy List of all Episodes). Please show your support sharing the podcast on your favorite social media and help get the word out of the podcast!  Like, share and subscribe on YouTube. Also, rate and/or write a review up on iTunes and I'll read the 5 stars on the next podcast! ♥
Episode 15 - Direct Link
Final Stage Podcast Episode 15: "Sasuke 32 Preview Show!"

Published on Jul 1, 2016
Sasuke 32 is almost here! Let's talk about it at great length! We talk about the new obstacles from Stage 3 and answer YOUR questions!

Also, William recounts the details of his very first panel and we tell you what time Sasuke is airing in your timezone!




Show notes:
0:32 Intro
Before panel at AnimeNext ©William

4:04 Recap of William's very first panel at AnimeNext!
26:44 Update on Arsenette's videos and projects
Nico Nico broadcast from 2015
Rambling Rican Link to Sasuke dates/times

28:39 Airdates for the Sasuke Navi, Sasuke 32, and Nico Nico Livestream!
The last photo of all 6 All-Stars at Midoriyama - Sasuke 32 ©Shingo Yamamoto

37:30 Early history of some of the All Stars
Grand Champion and Sasuke All Star Kazuhiko Akiyama 秋山和彦

44:17 Wednesday Downtown's Sasuke/Super Mario Maker crossover featuring Akiyama and Yamada!

58:42 Yamada 360 videos on YouTube
Director Inui on microphone as Hioki plays with the crowd ©Mayumi Hioki

1:01:48 Yatsui Festival Recap
1:05:07 Stage 3's new obstacles! (+ Full obstacle list)
Drum Hopper Kai - Sasuke 32 ©Masato Inui
Ultra Crazy Cliffhanger - Sasuke 32 ©Masato Inui

Vertical Limit - Sasuke 32 ©Masato Inui

Viewer questions!
Conveyor Belt (Left) - Wall lifting (Right) - Sasuke 32 ©Masato Inui 

1:32:19 "Were you disappointed about Stage 2 not being given a huge overhaul?"

Grace Mineta w/family and friend ©Arsenette
1:35:40 "What was it like to finally meet Texan in Tokyo in real life?"
Stage Three from the Start platform - Sasuke 32 ©Tokoyo Shoko

1:39:39 "Do you think the course would look much better with a higher budget?"
Grand Champion and Sasuke All-Star Makoto Nagano 長野誠 ©TBS

1:39:59 "What is your favourite new obstacle?"
1:43:35 "Did the weather/scheduling changes raise tensions for the competitors moreso this year than any average tournament you'd say?"
1:46:54 "What about not inviting Geoff Britten but inviting Brent Steffensen?"

Luci Romberg posing in front of the course in Sasuke 21 ©Luci Romberg 

1:49:29 "Do you like the increased number of Foreigners competing in Sasuke 32? Would you like to see more or less? Any specific people?"
1:54:35 "How did it feel to spend time with the all stars? Also did you have any funny moments with Shingo at all?"
1:55:59 "Did you talk to the Americans at all, and if so what did you talk about?"
1:57:35 "How far does Will think Nagano will get and hope how far he gets?"
Kacy Catanzaro on Sasuke 32 ©TBS/YahooJapan

1:59:06 "Do you think ANW does a better job giving exposure to female competitors then SASUKE?"
Denny's in Japan! ©Arsenette

2:05:14 "Would you elaborate on your experience at Japanese Denny's?"
2:07:02 "All-Stars excepted, if you could pick someone to come back, a la Shunsuke Nagasaki, who would you personally choose?"
Pipe Slider - Sasuke 32 ©Masato Inui

2:14:05 "What is your favorite obstacle, past or present and why is it the Circle Slider and/or Arm Bike?"
Sasuke's First 3 Grand Champions ©TBS
(Sasuke 4) Kazuhiko Akiyama 秋山和彦 (Sasuke 17) Makoto Nagano 長野誠 and (Sasuke 24/27) Yuuji Urushihara 漆原裕治

2:30:23 Closing

Music Credits:
"Bridge 3 Far"
by: Isaac Wilkins

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